Tammy Lynn Schneider
Of, ny dead beat mom!


I am a single never married father of 2 boys (5 & 8). I have had custody of them since they were 6 months and 3 1/2. During this time the children and I have been TOTALLY scamed buy the Livingston County support unit, the courts and the welfare system.

The mother uses the welfare system as a way to avoid paying child support. She claims to have sever mental issues that prevent her from working yet she attends college full time in accouting. Support collection refuses to suspend her driving privilages since she has a oen welfare case and the courts refuse to send her to jail for fear of her safty in a jail the houses women they claim may cause harm to her.

She never visits the children yet if I take them on vacation I have tohave them back in case she does show or I wind up in front of the judge on a violation of visitation. This DEADBEAT is well over $10,000 in arrears, each time I do find her working she goes back on her mental disability. Can some one help? Yours truly, Scre_wed by the system!

Company: Tammy Lynn Schneider
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Livonia
Address: 6043 Ely Ave PO Box 531
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David Michael Yoshikane
Dead beat dad. Child Services lazy useless ripoff waste of time service

Cora Mccarter
Deadbeat mom screwing govt welfare system neglecting kids suspected of sexually abused my son

Bessie C. Roper, Bessie C. Wooden
Dead Beat Mom quits job at court time to avoid child support Ripoff

Wayne County Friend Of The Court
No Friend of mine! Mistreated and ripped off outlandish ripoff late fees political corruption scam con artists fraud mistreated They pocket more than they send out

Kevin Lee Maevers
Dead beat dad, adulterer, child abuse

Jennifer Wesner, Ashland County Children Services
Jennifer Wesner likes to steal children and she does it legally, she can lie to the court and not go ti jail for any thing but if we did what she gets away with we would be locked up

State Of Oregon Support Enforcement / Marion County Courts / Julie Fuller
Men Beware Of Biased Oregon Laws

Rodney Thadues Lizama
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Larry Haley
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Wayne County Friend Of The Court
I pay child support for children I support ripoff