North Carolina / Georgia Child Support Enforcement
Why do Fathers with, FULL, physical Custudy get this treament?

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Why do Fathers with (FULL) physical Custody get this treatment?

I have full custody of my 2 sons. I have been treated so unfair on getting child support. It was court ordered for her to pay support, Then I had to pay to file the paper work. It took them 2 years to locate her. (per say) Then she was court ordered again to pay and still nothing. 2 years later again to court she went.
At that time she was ordered to pay. Well it started I was getting support somewhere around 40 bucks a week, (W O W) for 2 gowning boys.
But the kicker is they just wiped the slate clean and started her off fresh.
THATS NOT RIGHT!!! She owes it why was she not made to pay it?

Well I don't know. She got 2 years behind, and then again off to court. Then it was $66.72 a week. She did not help me with there health Ins. Or anything.
Then one of my sons gets AML Leukemia. 15 Months later he passes away.

She never offered to help me with him on anything. He called her and ask her to come and stay with him in hospital. Well she declined. I foot the bill for everything. Why am I treated like this. I fill I have been discriminated because I am the man and I have full custody. Not once have anyone come to help me with child support. When I contact the CSE all I get is, Well we have to locate her and then she has to be served. It took them 3 months to do what I did in about 30 mins. On my PC. This is a crying shame that fathers get this kind of a deal.

My other son is now 18 and is off to school to finish his High Schooling and to learn a trade in the Job Corps. My Son Travis has been gone for over a year and he is still listed on my Ga. CSE page. I went to them the following Month after he passed and sit down and talk to the case worker. I am just feed up with the CSE system. WHY DO I GET THIS TREATMENT? Is it because I am the Man and I have FULL custody? This sux so bad. I knoe there are a lot more men out there getting the same treatment but are to scared to say anything, Because then Child Welfare will start watching them. I never got welfare or any other County asst. No food stamps, no monthly check. I worked and my boys went to school and then the Baby sitter til I got home. Is there any help for me out there? If so someone please let me know.

Mooney, Mad As Hell In Georgia

Company: North Carolina / Georgia Child Support Enforcement
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Covington
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