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Do not use match.com!

Yes, I got scammed by a fat cat corporate consumer rip-off corporation named Match.com for $101.94 and I have NO recourse, and neither will you. Turns out, they have credit card companies on their side, and they make millions ripping people off with direct lies and deceiving billing terms. They are professionals at it, just do a web search and you will find cases across countless consumer rip-off websites.

I was a member for 1 year, that was my whole hearted effort to “really” try it out. I was recently auto billed for a full priced 6 month extension to my subscription …despite me having a phone conversation with customer service on two separate occasions prior the billing that ended with “yes, auto renew is turned off” (first call was after they auto billed me at the first 6mo end date, and convinced me to stay with a discount coupon). Thing is, once they get your credit card billed, they are legally protected under their terms and use policy (which you must agree too use match.com). “They have the right to bill you” …credit card companies consider this a legally binding agreement, and you agreed to it …so now you are all alone …your future credit rating hanging on a string. Wait, it’s can’t be like that …shouldn’t Match.com simply refund you, easy right …no …because you agreed to the terms of use, and you are nothing more than a meat sack that has money inside it, and they exist solely to take it perpetuate their corporation paychecks. Yes, their con is a simple as this, and you know what, it really works well.

Company: www.match.com
Country: USA
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Unauthorized charges

Sharp billing practice, change of terms, no notification ripoff Texas

Auto Renewal on Match.com

Ripoff! Provide no way to resign from the service.internet

Ripoff dishonest billing refusal to cancel subscription Internet

Match.com rips off customers - match.com

Ripoff, billed my credit card for services i did not receive. Texas

Legal credit card scam

Ripoff Dishonest Fraudulent Billing rip-off online dating billing dating service find love match

Ripoff Inappropriate Billing