Sony Ericsson Molbile Comm
X10 Mini Android - Xperia X10 mini android

Mobile Phones

Got the Android mini 5 weeks ago from a Dominican provider, Claro. 1st smart phone, so chose the new OS (?). Provider told me it had a QWERTY slide out, like the Mini Pro. Wrong, but it was free that week, and it 's my 1st. Smarty. The touchscreen phone pad is way too sensitive and slow, as is the screen with all uses. It has really cool apps, the Google translator is great, as are the GPS apps, as far as I can tell. Map apps are great; most Google or android apps are great, especially for a new user. The Mini itself, however, has a pathetically weak battery, even after downloading apps to shut things off. Impossible to use GPS trackers or "Find My Car" or any other power using apps, without logging off and back on. Possible, I suppose, but like I said, new user. The standby time claimed by Sony Ericsson is imaginary; even on the nightstand with no Wifi, all possible apps closed, it loses 5% an hour. I have battery-saving apps, too, and know enough to turn them off. Pathetic. It has had several glitches in the last 4 weeks, frequently won't read new Yahoo emails or connect to strong Wifi out in the the provider's hands right now for "repair", meaning that the Domininans will un - and reinstall some stuff, and give me back a defective unit. Different story, but it's too new to have hardware or software problems. One of the 1st apps I got is a free Android antivirus, and without a whole lot of familiarity, I have made no significant Settings changes. I wish I could remove the power-sucking garbage like Timescape, but my attempts with the supplied functions haven't succeeded yet. Will not last through one day, if used as anything but a phone. I had to download a phone answering app, because the default mobile requires clicking the hardware buttons seveal times to get to the homescreen, if you are using any app or email or anything else. Answering takes so much time/clicks, that calls are unanswered. So pathetically weak that it can't be upgraded past Android 1.6, therefore no Skype, even if you spend all day plugged into a socket. Sony Ericsson lists no AA or rechargable pocket power backup and their "Customer Service" will not answer any questions about the backup or a more powerful battery for the toy. Fine; I don't like them, either! Just a cute little toy, unless the user has some skill at altering their mobile phones, programming, formatting, whatever. Really sorry I didn't just get a Blackberry from the same provider, maybe a free promotional one, but one that has the bugs fixed and can connect to battery backup. It is cute, though, if that's all you want.

Company: Sony Ericsson Molbile Comm
Country: USA
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