Verizon new cell porting
New cell contract - iPhone G4

Mobile Phones

I just got my new cell phone sent by Verizon.

In calling them back to say my activation would have to start on the 29th of this month or I would incur 'Early Termination Fees' from AT&T.

Was told I could do this, but also was sure I heard something about a fourteen day limit in order to activate the new service...

So I called back Chris the original sales agent who assured me: "No you can just activate it when you want."

Today I get a call from Verizon: 'Thanking me for the new activation.' I say wait a minute I CAN'T activate it
Till Aug. 29th of 2011... Or AT&T will charge me more. I told this lady that I had a conversation to this effect with Chris my sales agent.

She said No it is in fact 14 days or you are charged an Extra Fee!

Why wasn't I told this from Chris?

I called him and left a message to call me (he hasn't yet.)

UPON READING THE MANY MANY COMPLAINTS ON VERIZON'S CUSTOMER SERVICE HERE I am compelled to mail all of this stuff back and get out of this whole thing Pronto!

Company: Verizon new cell porting
Country: USA
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