An Open Letter to DirecTV


Dear DirecTV,

I just want to say that you are unethical.

No, not in a directway, but in a worst circuitous way, camouflaging unethical practices, robbing guiltless citizens in the most conning way.

Let me begin with your sales associate, Steve, who knocked on my door and solicited your service with lies.

Well be in the area tomorrow maam, installing services for five others in your neighborhood, was lie number one.

When the tomorrow arrived, Mr. Steve, called to cancel the installation since the technician was not in the area (as he had said) and my appointment was to be rescheduled. So, what happened to the five of my other neighbors? Or was that just a sales lure to lie yourself into an unscrupulous contract? Perhaps, this is something you include in your employee training and you build business on falsehood from the very beginning?

I need a credit card maam. It wont be charged, Ill just need it to keep on file, was lie number two.

It better not be, Steve, I said, it better not be! I dont want my card to be charged.

It wont be maam.

Steve, I dont want a contract. Im telling you this upfront.

Youre not signing anything today, maam. Im just gonna fill this paper to order service. Was his lie number three.

A few days into the service, I receive a bill. Amazed how one could receive a bill so quickly, I reason Id fallen into an unusual billing cycle. Hence, I paid my bill early. A few days early, as a matter of fact. A few days later, upon checking my bank account, I realize that DirecTV, has charged my card, without my authorization, even though my monthly commitment was already paid.

When I call to complain about the unauthorized charges and move my service, I miraculously
discover that I am in a 24-month contract, which I dont have a recollection signing in the first place. Moreover, you will charge me $235.00 to move my services.

At this point DirecTV, I am beyond words. But hold on, it gets even better.

What I want to know is who gives you the authority to charge my card without my consent? What contract did I sign? And where is my copy? In fact, I demand a copy. And, if in truth, I did sign a copy, why arent you providing full disclosures upfront? Or perhaps, the email I never received and installation contract, in which the 24-month period was never mentioned, makes me responsible. If your policy is so severe, shouldnt that be an important disclosure? I mean, really!

So, no, please dont move my services! Another penny is too much for a corrupt company such as you!

Hence, I call again. This time though, to cancel my services. I demand to speak to a supervisor. Ms. Lucita, who does not bother to listen to anything I have to say, refuses to transfer me to one and decides to take the matter on her hands. After clarifying my unheard reasons, she, with her scheming ways, persists to remind me of my contract.

What contract? I inquire, what contract?

The one that we emailed to you. She responds.

I dont know what youre talking about, Lucita. I never received any emails from you. Better yet, I never even gave you an email address.

Well, we sent it to you to the email address on file.

Are you hearing me Lucita? I never gave you an email address.

Well maam whats your email address? She asks.

Why should I give it to you Lucita? You already have it on file, right?

So, DirecTV when I refuse to give my email address, Ms. Lucita continues verifying it.

So, is your email address dtvkosova@...

What? What are you talking about? I never heard of that email address in my life. Are you telling me that you created an email address, without my knowledge, to send me an illicit contract, I never signed?

DirecTV, what I want to know is how many such illegal accounts have you created to email contracts people never signed? But to make me happy Ms. Lucita erases my email on file, the email that I havent the clue about, nor do I have access to. WOW! Just WOW!

I got to hand it to you DirecTV, youre clever! Very, very clever!

Yet, not clever enough. At least, not for me.

See, I worked in a call center before and I do know that all the phone calls are recorded. My call was yesterday, October 24 at 6:40-7:00 P.M. Eastern. Or by any chance, did you erase that phone call too? I wouldnt be surprised.

After Lucita informed me that I will be loosing all the rebates that were claimed in the email address I never created, she also informed me that you would charge an Early Cancellation Fee of $440, which would be charged to the credit card on file, which I never authorized in the first place. So, I gave her to go ahead, because that card no longer exists, thanks to my bank, and instead youd have to bill me. How awful is that?

At last, as the phone call ended, I proceeded to research online, only to find out that tens of thousands of complaints such as mine, pages upon pages, cases on top of cases, and including lawsuits on state and federal level had been filed for the very same unethical tricks you attempted on me.

And, Im telling youyou picked the wrong person. See, Im going to tell you, just as I told Lucita last night, that this isnt a threat, it my promise to you. My voice will be heard, all the way to Attorney Generals Office, local and nationwide Better Business Bureau, States Trade Commission, including countless websites for your bad practice of ethics.

See, what you dont understand is that it is not about being deceived into a contract, unauthorized
charges, creating unapproved email accounts, or undisclosed $440 cancellation fee. It is about you, not abiding by your own code of ethics, building your business based on lies. It is about the myriad of innocent individuals with similar grievances against you I speak for them.

My goal, is one alone, and is to stop you from being unethical. You, DirecTV, need to be boycotted until youre out of business. Period.

Company: DirecTV
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: P.O. Box 6550 Greenwood Village, CO 80155
Phone: 3213565954
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