Owen Davies
Consumer Report


Claimed to fly from home in CA to NYC to Malyasia for a telecom contract he secured Once arrived storms damaged his shipment of equipment so he ran short to finish the job I was the only one he could turn to for funds so he could get back home to meet me, when I declined he claimed I dont really love or trust him the way he does me Says he got the funds from someone else but will have more challenges returning to me that will require my total trust

Company: Owen Davies
Country: USA
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Owen Davies
Consumer Report

Collins Bake
Consumer Report

MedAesthetica Medical Group
Lipozap Scam. MedAesthetica lied about refund policy, failed to render procedures, and did not return calls

Heritage Commerce Trust Corp
Secured Loan Fraud

Fairbanks Mortgage
Purely theives at fairbanks mortgage nationwide

William Davies Home Loan
Consumer Report

Craig Dante Mark
Consumer Report

Ross Williams
Consumer Report

Route 27 Associates, LTD, The Ridge
Sold over priced home, returned rent checks and claimed non-payment, repossed home at half what was originally paid

The Pitt Stop, Eddie
Took funds for work that he never provided and damaged other vehicles his shop worked on