Consumer Report


This company made a check in the amount of $39.63 in my husbands name and cashed it with my bank. This was unauthorized and caused my bills to overdraft. I now have $102 overdrafts due to this stupid scam. I am tired of companies stealing information from the internet and trying to say to it was authorized. This was not authorized by my husband or myself. I want the funds replaced by the close of business on the 5th of Sept. If this does not happen, I will go to the police and report them and go to my lawyer to file a lawsuit. I am tired of people stealing from me.

Company: OZSuperStorage
Country: USA
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Ez Loan Protection
Unauthorized Charge

UPN Services
Fraud Check Scam, debit for $399.00

They charged our account over and over for hundreds of dollars to a company in Brazil.internet

Flat out stealing money from my account - UNAUTHORIZED

Mb Moon Park Subscriptions
Fraud, stealing money from innocent people!

TWX AOL Service
Stealing from the cripple, blind, and old on fixed income. I realized that twx aol was debiting my checking acct. I had not authorzed any such action. They are stealing from Me!

5/3 Bank - Fifth Third Bank
Deceptive Banking

AMR LD Services
Unauthorized bankcard debit—fraud

Mipayment.biz - GreenZap.com - Mazumah
Stealing from bank accounts

Fifth Third Bank
Yet again, overdraft fee problems