Consumer Report


This person wanted me to go to walmart and get the loan, he told me to call phone number 209-965-7704 and give them my loan number, from there they want you to pay $150 up front which you are supposed to get back from the loan

Company: Payday115
Country: USA
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Phone # 209 965 7704 Loan Company
Consumer Report

South West Financial Lending
Wanted 3500.00 to pay up front to secure a loan. They get the money and dont give the loan

Usecured Loan Services
Sell you a list of banks that will MAYBE give you an unsecured loan foe $250

Consumer Report

Cash Loan USA
Consumer Report

California Cash Advance wants you to pay cash up front to get loan. Scam!

Birchmount Financial Service
Short Term Personal Loan my Butt

United Cash Loan
They never let you pay off your loan ripoff

Firsts Loan America
Consumer Report

Findley Financial Lending Group
Findley Financial Lending Group Advance Fee