Greyhound Bus Line
Do yourself a favor: TAKE MEGABUS


In November I took a Greyhound bus from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Asheville, North Carolina. This had been my very first time using a bus line, and naturally I was very scared and nervous. The bus driver I had at my first transfer was incredibly nice and helpful, and for that I'm very appreciative... But the rest of my trip was a hellish nightmare.

The rest of my bus drivers were incredibly rude and impatient. Totally unforgiving to first-time travelers. A simple question seemed to irritate them, like I a complete moron wasting their time. One of the passengers on my transfer in Washington D.C. Was literally in tears after trying to ask the bus driver for directions on how to transfer to her next bus. But even with this terrible customer service, this is not even the main point of my complaint.

My complaint goes to the actual company and their tremendous lack of compassion and customer service. Just like many large corporations in America, Greyhound seems only to care about taking your money and nothing more.

When I reached my destination in North Carolina, I was unfortunate enough to lose my ticket back in the confusion and bustle of being picked up from the bus station. I was terrified. I searched high and low for the tickets, but could not find them anywhere. After going back to the bus station and being told I may be able to get a replacement from their help line, I spent the next hour on the phone trying to find answers.

After speaking with two different representatives from Greyhound, I was simply told there was NOTHING they could do for me. Nothing at all. Greyhound is not responsible for lost or stolen tickets. That was their only defense. So you mean to tell me that Greyhound is not responsible for their own company? They're not responsible for leaving a 21-year old girl stranded hundreds of miles from home, just because she made a very simple, common, human error? Absolutely disgusting. Totally unacceptable.

I understand why they would not refund me. I didn't even ask for a refund. I didn't want money. I simply wanted a replacement ticket—it wouldn't have cost them anything to print me a new ticket. For the astronomical price you pay for their tickets, they can't even give you a one-time replacement? It was my FIRST time using their bus, and they couldn't even cut me some slack. And let me tell you, it will absolutely be the last time I use them.

Needless to say, there was no way in hell I was using them to get back home. So, instead, I used Megabus. A ticket from Knoxville, Tennessee, to Washington, D. C cost only TEN DOLLARS, And from DC, I took Amtrak to Connecticut, which cost EIGHTY DOLLARS. Guess how much a one-way ticket using Greyhound would have cost? NEARLY TWO-HUNDRED DOLLARS.

Think about that, folks. Their tickets are at least two times as expensive as Megabus. They don't offer refunds. They're rude. What's the better choice here? I think it's a no-brainer.

So I would go with Megabus. I suggest Megabus to everyone. Even though Megabus is cramped and miserable, and my seat smelled like human feces, I would STILL recommend it over Greyhound in a heartbeat. I would recommend walking or riding a bike, or maybe even a donkey, before I would recommend Greyhound.

But my story doesn't stop there. When I got home, I promptly tried to call Greyhound's customer service line to receive some sort of compensation. After being put on hold for literally an hour, I decided to write them a letter instead. This was around November 20th. Guess when I received a response? About TWO AND A HALF MONTHS LATER. Even though their website claims that they respond within 4-6 weeks.

And of course, I was issued a phony apology, pretty much saying tough luck, it's your own fault, we're not going to do anything for you. You know what? Megabus offers free bus tickets if they make a mistake or you are unhappy with their service. With Greyhound, you get a generic letter sent 2 and a half months later. That's it. I'd rather get a slap in the face.

I think this company lacks integrity, compassion, and professionalism. There is absolutely no excuse for how they handled this situation. It's just WRONG.

Company: Greyhound Bus Line
Country: USA
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