Dotted Line Media
Consumer Report


This company uses the usual techniques/tactics in order to surreptitiously gather enough information to "sign you up" and bill you for a daily text message service, of various content types.

They accomplish this by providing "free" online surveys, etc, sometimes with a promotional deal with another site (typically store credits for online games). Buried in the fine print on the page (or not existent at all) is a disclosure that you have to sign up for the service in order to get the results. When you give them your phone number, and enter the pin number from the confirmation text they send you, they have all the "legal" documentation they need to process and open up a bill on your phone.

In my case, they signed me up, and I didn't catch it til the 2nd month, so I had 2 charges of $9.99 a month. And I never even sent back the confirmation pin number, because i caught the fine print on the entry page for it.

Sprint was nice enough to both block future purchases, as well as refund both charges, when I called today.

Company: Dotted Line Media
Country: USA
State: Essex
City: Romford
Address: 10 Western Road
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Shaboom Media
Consumer Report

Pogo Games
Scam and cheating!
Company ships partial order, jerks you around for a refund

Dotted Line Media: Alerts - 43360 Stress Tip
Consumer Report

Mobile Messenger ripoff fraudulent cell phone charges text alerts ringtones

Predicto Mobile
Scammed me into paying $9.99 per month on my Sprint cell phone bill

Smart Certify Direct, CBT
Ripoff Unreliable Website and Practices Fraudulent Billing and Bad Service, USBI, OAN, ILD, Clash Media Advertising Of London, UK, USBI, OAN, ILD Website adds Fraudulant phone co. Charges to AT&T bill - USBI, OAN, ILD - Long distance, fax and voice mail services

Dishonest rebutal

RezV NutriBlvd
RezV Nutri Blvd Rip Off Really not Free Trial cancel if not satisfied