Joe Kieler
Contacts my personal accounts claiming he is my landlord and leaving messages on the service company files to not respond to my calls


Joe Kieler is an only child who's mother works for the judicial system in Des Moines and seems to enable him to... Among many issues he has... Contact businesses that I have an account with and tell them he is my landlord... I own my condo... Then directs them to put messages on my personal accounts such as...'do not respond to her calls'. I only find out about these violations by accident!

Company: Joe Kieler
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: 3932 University Ave#5
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Joe Kieler/Keiler
Illegal search and seizure

604 mellon street southeast Apartments
Bad Landlord - bad apartment

Joe Kieler
"Maintenance" CONDO Des Moines, Iowa Never changed a light bulb in five years or picked up a toll in this condo building yet refers to himself as "maintenance" He is responssible for thousands of dollars in damages due to his negligence

Joe Kieler
Condo "Maintenance" Involved in a roof scam that allowed him a remodeled condo and now he request condo fee increase

Nationwide Internet
No response to e-mails and calls

I'm not sure
Consumer Report

Horrible customer service

604 mellon street southeast Bad Apartments Wash DC
Landlord lease bad apartment to renter than use collection suites to ripoff tenants

Con Edison
Billing errors

Stoneleigh Recovery Management
Harrassing phone calls