Self Help Works
Charged me a $24.95 monthly fee without my consent or knowledge/false transaction


On 12/3 I was charged to my Bank of America credit card account a fee of $24.95 for a false transaction. I called the company and was told it would be charged monthly from now on and they could not tell me what the charge was for. A very nice lady told me that it was probably related to another purchase I made but could not tell me what the original purchase was that was now associated with this monthly fee. M She said she would would refund the amount and cancel future charges and gave me a confirmation number. I am extremely concerned about this fraudulent activity. I want this to be investigated and plan to notify my bank as well. Please advise me what is going on and should I be concerned for future charges. I am retired and on a fixed income. This is elderly abuse which I believe is against the law.

Company: Self Help Works
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 18775326234
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