Direct tv
Company policy, web site, phone in customer service


Direct tv adds packages when you order service that are free for a few months but makes it very hard to get them off one's account as the web site does not allow cancellation of extra packages-no, no you have to call them. Of course the web site does let you order all the extra packages you want. Wonder why they make it easy to add to your bill and hard to delete from your bill?
Then, when i call, the phone system goes in circles, click for customer service, the it circles back to beginning then yu get someone who can only SEll you something, then you have to get transferred and wait again - to finally delete the extra service you do not want-this is a total scam and the company has no integrity or customer fairness in its policies.

Company: Direct tv
Country: USA
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Direct tv
Web site only allows adding a service-to delete a service you have to call

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Consumer Report

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Charged for items not received, then sent multiple additional packages

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Direct TV Fraudulent Billing

Direct t.V. - Direct T.V

Several of my children's Christmas presents didn't arrive

Direct TV
Added services to my bill I didn't ask for and they refused to delete the charges

Direct TV is the Worst! - direct tv

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DTV Bad Customer Service - direct tv