FIA, or at least that is what the person said
Consumer Report


Matthew Harpring, Rate Reduction Negotiator, Agent ID 1092, phone number 1-877-342-4260.
-promise to get Mastercard interest rate reduced somewhere between 0-6%
-one time fee is $795
-how it works is difference between regular monthly payment and lowered interest amount covers the one time fee.
What actually happened:
-fee charged was $800, no change in interest % rate
-called the 1-877-342-4260, and 1-877-478-9349 daily in June, July to get $800 refunded on my account, promises that information sent to accounting and should see refund on next statement.
-no refund; now when I call either number, get recording that "user mailbox can't accept more messages".
-Aug 16, when I called, got a live person (Tim) who put me on hold, then a different person (Amy West) promised to call back within one hour - still have not had a call back.

Company: FIA, or at least that is what the person said
Country: USA
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Discover Card
Ripoff Wilmington nationwide

First USA
First usa fixed rate scam

Citi Dividen Platinum Select Card
Ripoff increased interest rates by 240% in one month rate is 27.99% Stuck with the interest rate which has more than doubled our monthly payments

Hsbc Bank
HSBC No Interest Rate Reduction

Dell Financial Services
Rip off

Advanta Corp
Interest rate increase

World Savings
Ripoff Predatory Lending Interest Rate Scam

Washington Mutual / Providian
Lied about interest rates and everything else

Juniper Bank, Barkley Mastercard/visa
BEWARE - Will Rip you off by raising interest rate and not processing payment

Innovative Wealth Builders
Was told they got the interest rate on my credit card lowered and cost me $695