MPO*Education Success 866-481-#6582
Consumer Report


This company did not cancel my account and even after I sent back the materials (which is not worth a crap, just a get rich money making scheme) and spoke to someone in the company to cancel my account. They have continued to bill my account for 64.99 for the past 2 months starting in July. The company that they are billing for is called Internet Riches Made Easy and this is not what I signed up for originally.

Company: MPO*Education Success 866-481-#6582
Country: USA
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Ripoff Continued billing after I closed my account. Took 3 months to get it to stop

Internet Success Group
Took over 5,531 dollars from me and did nothing for me

Charged Even AFTER canceled Landline - Long Distance Land Line - New Jersey

American Leisure And Easy Saver
Or More This "Company" billing my credit card even after I told them-cancel my "subscription" I never signed up for at all

Ripoff - underhanded consumer service

WLIClassmates Travel Rewards continued billing after removing billing authorization. Rip-off!

Vonage reps lie and scheme to cheat you out of money

Easy Saver
Ripoff Ilegal billing, stopped charging, started again 6 months later! Internet

The Company Corporation

Did not close my account when requested