Internet Success Group
Took over 5,531 dollars from me and did nothing for me

Internet & Web

I signed up for internet success group 11/09/07 and paid $5331.00 using a credit card. The materials they offered were not worth even $5.00. Upon viewing their so called 'training' package, I could tell this information was useless, things I already knew and no where near worth the money they charged. I tried to cancel and they told me I could not... Demanded a refund and they told me no. They also said they would send a 200 and something dollar check to cover the first months minimum. Want to know what happened it never came. Now the interest and everything else totals more then a 1,200 dollars add that to the 5,531 from this scam and you get 6,731

I tried to tell my credit card company (Chase) to cancel the payment. They said they could not cancel. That the person or person's that the check went to had to cancel. I called and hardy ever got a call back from the guy who signed me up (phil). I am 20 and there is no way I can pay this and it gets worse every month. The company's website seems to no longer be up. I wonder why? Oh wait now I know they don't want to be tracked. I get harassed every day by chase 10-20 calls a day. They seem to not understand that I was scammed and won't help at all.

Is there someone out there that can help me?

Company: Internet Success Group
Country: USA
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Credit Education Group
Ripoff no interest credit card got package with useless pamphlets and a cd rom JUNK!

Internet Success Group/Bright Builders
Bright Builders Re-Charged my debit card long after cancellation and refund demanded. Their unauthorized "dipping" caused checks to bounce. And, Braidon threatened that charges would continue, even though I cancelled within 3-day legal limit

MPO*Education Success 866-481-#6582
Consumer Report

Razoreye Media Group
Ripp off Not worth 2 cents be carefull what ever you do don't by anything from this site

JPMorgan Chase & Co
CHASE Credit Card, Charge Interest with Zero Balance Owed

Memberworks Toronto ON
Privacy Protection Plus Scam of monthly charges for no product or service, Montreal

Summit Group - The Success Team - Nationa Market Research
Summit Group Three Company Names, One BIG Scam ripoff

Google Success Kit

Typing for dollars
Typingfordollars I bought into this company to do dataentry, and was told it was a one time fee. I see now they are taking monthly fees out of my credit card, also the work is bogus! Ripoff

Blue Horizons Group
Persuaded me to buy into three markets