American Leisure And Easy Saver
Or More This "Company" billing my credit card even after I told them-cancel my "subscription" I never signed up for at all


This company has been billing my credit card even after I told them to cancel my "subscription"—the one I never signed up for in the first place. I told the person I spoke with that I had never received anything in mail from their company, as she told me they mail out something to you and you have to cancel during "trial period". I guess you cannot even tell these people anything because they do not listen, and they do not do what you ask them to, which is CANCEL THE ACCOUNTS. When I first noticed the charges 2 months ago, I called and spoke to them about canceling but I have been checking my account again and noticed they took payments for 2 more months. The person told me that I WOULD RECEIVE 2 GIFT CARDS—one was a WalMart card and the other was a gas card to make up for what they took as she could not give my money back (what is that about), but I didn't get the cards either. I would like to know how to cancel these companies and not let them get any more of my money. It is not fair that they can take your money and then "not give it back", come on now.

Company: American Leisure And Easy Saver
Country: USA
Phone: 8775648538
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