Consumer Report


I received my "free month" of lean spa in the mail as promised. After looking at the ingredients, I was told to not take it by my doctor.in the meantime, I received my credit card which had $160 in charges on it for products that I never received. I told them that I wanted a refund and I wanted to send the other products back. I sent them back via UPS so that i would have "proof" that they received my product back. My initial encounter was very positive, I was credited back $120 but they still have $40 left to credit. I have called numerous times with a long hold time and then the call "disconnects". I have spoke to a representative from the company several times with a "promise" the remaining balance will be credited in 7-10 business days... That was May 2. My initial refund came back in March. I have also sent them emails with no response. I have an email that states my credit will occur as above, at least I have that as "proof".

Company: LeanSpa
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Branford
ZIP: 06405
Address: 420 E Main St Ste 8
Phone: 2034882558
Site: leanspa.com
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