Thirfty Car Rental (Miami Airport)
Consumer Report


Thifty Car Rental has a policy in Florida that if you dont purchase their toll pass any unpaid tolls will cost you a $25 admin fee plus the cost of the toll. Thirfty charged my credit card in March $155 in toll fees on a strectch of road (Don Shula Expressway) that was we entered and exited 2 twice. So the fee should have been the toll and the admin fee. Thifty states that we went through 6 times. Then sends a letter stating that we only owe $30 and debited $155 off my card.

Company: Thirfty Car Rental (Miami Airport)
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
ZIP: 74135
Address: 5330 E 31st, St #100
Phone: 9186607700
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Consumer Report