Consumer Report


Has anyone else notice third party charges on their AT&T bill?

Like most people, I have my monthly phone bill on automatic payment. Few months ago, I noticed a $19.95 monthly charge on it. I called the 800 number, but the rep couldn't really tell me what the charge was for. She gave me a lame story on some 2nd line voicemail that I never signed up for. After a frustrating 30 minute conversation with her, she still couldn't tell me exactly how many months I have been getting charged for this. She eventually revised two months fee and cancelled this service. She assured me her company won’t “automatically” sign me up again.

As mad as I was, I forgot about this matter. Today I randomly looked at my bill again, and there it was! Another $15.95 charge from another third party company! They have probably been charging me the past 3 or 4 months.

AT&T states it doesn’t sell our information to other companies. It also has nothing to do with these third party charges and there’s nothing AT&T can do. Really AT&T?!!!

Company: At&t
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75202
Address: 208 South Akard Street
Phone: 2108214105
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OAN, Services Inc, Greentree Data Inc, AT&T
Monthly charges for unordered, unused "unlimited 800 number service"

ESBI, My Voicemail Netwok,
The company starting charging my home phone bill for voicemail services that I didn't ask for

ESBI - VoiceVox-VoiceMail
Really pay attention to your phone bill people Ogden Utah

ESBI - Verizon Third Party Biller-Scammer
Enhanced Services Billing Inc. I got crammed AGAIN!

Sprint Nextel
Fraud charges for a services i did not sign up for!

ATT Cingular Wireless 3rd Party Billing Scams & ATT is part of the scam by hiding amount in other charges

Total Protection Plus Third party charge to my verizon phone bill that i did not sign up fo

Charged on Embarq phone bill for unauthorized ESBI charges

I Tech PC
Consumer Report

Third Party Billing