ESBI - VoiceVox-VoiceMail
Really pay attention to your phone bill people Ogden Utah


I was looking at my phone bill today and it was really high, I usually look at it over the net, the day I'm going to pay it. Anyway, there was this charge on it as I was talking to the ATT gal and it had enhanced services on it. Actually, it's probably been on there awhile because I've noticed it, but thought that it was part of my other services that I get from ATT that are like enhanced, but aren't. Anyway, when I spoke to them they told me that I needed to contact the company because they couldn't call them for me. But, what they did do was put a 3rd party call freeze on my line, so that no other party can charge anything on my line at all. Thanks, ATT, I also have a pick freeze, that's so that no one can change my long distance but me, I've had that for years. I dialed the number that is on my phone bill which is different from the one listed above, but kept getting a busy signal. When I dialed it from my cell phone it gave me a unknown number signal. So, I had to research it on google. Thanks to google I got this website. When I called the company ESBI-Voicevox Voicemail I person I spoke to told me that my husband had signed up for the service 26 months ago from our previous address, but you see at that address the phone was only in my name. So, I was able to have all the charges reversed. All 26 months of the $14.95 charge. That's pretty good, although I did have to get firm and I did have to tell them that I was the only person on the phone bill, which I was. I don't know that website nor do I want to. Usually anything free usually isn't, so I just delete them. Just call these people and get firm with them and see what you can do for yourself. And make sure not to get sucked in to their traps ever again.

Company: ESBI - VoiceVox-VoiceMail
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8005700269
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ESBI, Enhanced ServicesBilliungs, Inc #
Invalid charge of $14.95 appeared on AT&T (formerlySBC) monthly statement for 'VOICEVOX VOICEMAIL SERVICE FEE". Ripoff Internet

ESBI - Voicevox Voicemail Service
Voicevox Voicemail Service - ESBI Charged my phone bill 14.95 when I did not sign up with them, never heard of this company before ripoff

ESBI VoiceVox
Ripoffand scam of 14.95 from ESBI Natonwide

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VoiceVox, Voicemail Services Unauthorized charges $14.95 added to AT&T bill

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3rd party billing ripoff on local phone bills for Voicemail services

ESBI - Voicevox Voicemail
Charges on ATT bill

ESBI, Enhanced Services Billing Inc
ESBI Enhanced Services Billing Inc A Bill of 12.95 0.65 taxes = $13.60 for services never heard of Voicemail MOFEE Enter Ripoff

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Unauthorized charges

Voicevox Voicemail
Being charged 14.95 per month for service I did not order. Phone company brought these charges to my attention. CHECK your bill!

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