Time Warner Cable
TWC steals money from checking account then bills for more - tv, phone, internet


For one year I was paying TWC $97 a month for cable and DSL. Mid May I received notification of a bill increase. I called and the TWC operator adjusted my bill back to $111.08. On 5/28 I was charged $139.64; $28.56 too much. I called TWC again and the operator assured me that I’d receive a credit for this on my next bill. Well the next bill was $196.36; $85.28 too much; no credit. I called my bank and instructed them to disallow TWC from debiting my checking account. I terminated the TWC service on 7/9, so I only received 2/5 of that month’s service for which I paid in advance. TWC should pay me back for over charges and the period of time which I did not receive service. That’s the law. For this I should receive $66 in refund. When I returned their equipment I was told that I might receive a partial refund in 6 to 8 weeks. As a result I instructed my bank to attempt to recover what was owed me. TWC still owes me $38.42 and refuses to pay!

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
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