Eclub Depot
Stole $99.00 from my account


I had an internet company by the name of to deduct $99.00 from my bank account back on September 17. I saw the debit on the day it was taken out and I called right away to see what this company was about and how they got my bank information because my account went into the negative directly after. I talked to a man by the name of Rick and he stated that I signed up on their website at 4:00am and I know that is not true because I don't have a computer at my home, I don't stay up that late anyway and I know for a fact I did not authorize someone to take $99.00 away from me. I do not give out money!

Well Rick told me my money would be credited back to my account within 14 days and when it wasn't. I called again and the next person I talked to told me it was processing and the money should be in my account that Friday. Well it didn't deposit that Friday. So I continued to call and got the run around until the number was no longer in service, so I thought. I found out they must have blocked my number because when I called from my daughter cell phone it went straight through. But as of today I still don't have my $99.00 back. I will be contacting the Attorney General Office in the State of Mississippi on the next business day because these people need to be INVESTIGATED, SUED, AND PUT IN JAIL FOR TAKING MY MONEY AS WELL AS OTHERS!!!

Please monitor your bank account daily so you do not become a part of this scam!!!

Company: Eclub Depot
Country: USA
Phone: 8888246467
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