Eclub depot Unauthorized drafted $99 from my checking, promise to return several times, still no refund


E club depot drafted $99 from my checking, not sure how they got my account.

I called and was told membership fee would be cancelled and redeposited to my checking within 2 weeks. (October) in November I called and was told check was in process and would be back in within 5 days. Called bak 2 weeks later and was told that check would be mailed to my home. Called back in december and My home phone could not get through. Called from work phone and went right through, was told 3-5 days check would arrive. 1 week later called from home and coulnt get through, called from work and couldnt get through, called from cell and call went right through. Was told check was in the mail, called back a week later and now cell, work and home phones #s are blocked. Call from another phone and went right through. I was told that check was on its way. Now it is end ofJanurary 2011and no check, $ 99.00 still not refunded. Any ideas of how to get my money back??? Help

Company: EclubDepot
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Phone: 18888246467
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