Advent Product Development
TRIAD Resources, Inc. Is were all our payments were mailed each month. The address pmb # 12 deceivers, cheaters, liarers, fraudulent company!


I had a few invention that I wanted to develop, I was watching TV and saw a commercial. The commericial was called Advent Product Development, it stated that they would help you develop your invention. They also promised in writting that they would be responsible for Preparing Drawings, Preparing a Brochure, Virtual Prototyping, Tradeshow Attendance, Model Building, Contacting Companies, Media Publicity, Internet Publicity, License Negotiation, Royalty Policing all lies. Now $8,490.00 later Nothing. The money that we used to pay this company did not come easy for us a family of five we went without a lot of things just to pay this company every month, not encluding the money we had to come up with to start the proceedings. This Company to me is very Fraudulent, Deceitful, Cheaters, and Liars. And I want them to be exposed for who and what they are!

Company: Advent Product Development
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 4625 East, Bay Drive Suite 101
Phone: 7275384900
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Advent Product Development, Inc
They ripped me off with monies totalling over $ 12,000.00. I tried to reach them several times and was unable to do so. I have not heard from "Advent Product Development Company" in 7 years. All of th

Advent Product Development
Advent product development almost totally scammed me, beware of advent product development, stay away from them everybody!

Advanta Product Development
Don't Be a Victom of this Company - They are a Major Rip-off!

Advent Product Development
I invented a product and went to advent to patern it a few years ago i paid $1190 at the time which was requested by the company for patern my idea, and a balance of $8,500 was required afte

Advent Product Development
Total fraud, empty promises destroy credit liars fraud law breakers threatens with lawsuits scare tactics scammers scam artists

Advent Product Development
Take the money and run

Advent Product Development
Liars, cheaters, and ripoffs! Have no problem taking your money and running

Advent Product Development
Ripoff Advent Product development the dream destroyers

Advent Product Development, APD
Is the bigest rip-off unproffessional, disgusting, group of people who reuin individuals dreams of being an inventor

Advent Product Development
Total Scam And Ripoff South Carolina