Advent Product Development
Total Scam And Ripoff South Carolina

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In May I contacted Advent about my invention. After paying 3000 dollars for a patent search and market report I recieved (about 3 months later) a thick binder explaining the marketability of my invention and a search result showing that my invention had not yet been patented.

It was all a lie. Even though the product was not on the market yet it had already been patented in 1996. If they told me this (which I am sure they knew) they would not have gotten anyn more money from me.instead they played me like a violin. What a sucker I was to believe anything they told me.

Thinking that I had a winner I jumped in feet first and gave them another 8500 dollars to develop my product and help find a manufacture. Talk about throwing good money after bad. Than 3000 dollars to a patent attorny to file a 20 year utility patent.

I than recieved a call from them telling me that my relationship with them was expired and their obligation to me had been fullfiled. For my money I got a cheap pamplet and a news letter telling me they submitted my product to various entities.By all means stay away from this company. They should be in prison for mail fraud.

Company: Advent Product Development
Country: USA
State: Alberta
City: Saint Pawley Island
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Advent Product Development
Poorly done patent research on utility paten already there leaves me in poor house

Advent Product Development
Advent product development almost totally scammed me, beware of advent product development, stay away from them everybody!

Advent Product Development, APD
Advent Product Development APD ripoff

Advent Product Development
Ripoff Advent Product development the dream destroyers

Advanta Product Development
Don't Be a Victom of this Company - They are a Major Rip-off!

Invention Technologies Took my money even though they knew my product had been already patented and licensed

Patent & Trademark Institute Of America (PTI)
Rip Off Invention Company - Makes you believe they can help when they don't do anything except take your money

Advent Product Development
Take the money and run

Advent Product Development
Invention Scam Firm - charged me $10,000 and did nothing!

Patent & Trademark Institute Of America
What can I say, I believe they took my $11,000 and ran