Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, Scott Butler Police/Security Guard Captain Gets B


It just never ends with Scott "The Pink Panther" Butler and his buddy "Good Booty" Rudy Montiel. Last wednesday HACLA decided to put on a Dog & Pony Show out in San Fernando. The executive staff was all out there to convince the Valley Welfare Rats that no matter how much money Rudy and Kinky Ken Simmons embezzled from HACLA, their Section 8 would not be cut. So there they all were, up on stage lying their a*es off when this staggering weaving Hispanic version of Otis Campbell takes issue with one of Rudy's lies and approaches the stage. Scott Butler, guard captain, was standing there picking his nose when the drunk totally b*tch slapped him, knocking him to the ground. Butler, squealing like a little girl, crawls away from the drunk, allowing the security officers to tackle and handcuff the intoxicated man. After the drunk was safely detained, Butler jumped up and took a Barney Fife Karate stance and yelled, "let me at him".

Company: Hacla
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 2600 Wilshire Blvd
Site: hacla.org
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Housing Authority City Of Los Angeles Scott Butler HACLA
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Housing Authority City of Los Angeles Security Department Guard Captain Guard Captain is known as the Pink Panther due to his pink shirts and homosexual mannerisms

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Y Of Los Angeles HACLA - She hired her worthless cousin to be Guard Captain and Executive Director Rudy Monteil let her do it

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Police Captain Scott Butler
HACLA Wrote a terrible book called SO YOU WANT TO BE A COP and it got him fired

Housing Authority City of Los Angeles HACLA
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