Ctd Homes
Took my money and ran!


Alex, Sandor Smajda, of CTD Homes in Richmond Hill, Toronto, Canada, was sent to my home by Web Enterprises to put down marble floors and do some small woodwork jobs to accomplish this. To make a long story short, Web Enterprises (Bill B.) did not complete this job and what they did was a total mess (I have pictures); so Alex convinced me that he could do the wood flooring without the aid of Web Enterprises and Bill B. As Bill B. Of Web Enterprises was not finishing the marble job or rectifying all the mistakes the workers had done, plus baseboards and debris were still not put back on and a mess was left everywhere, I decided to go with CTD Homes and Alex Sandor Smajda for the wood floors which was the second stage of the job. Just to clean up the mess that the men had made with the marble job cost me a small fortune as I could not live with debris and incomplete construction everywhere. I am still living with cracked and badly stained marble. Alex Sandor Smajda took over the second part of the contract with the consent of Bill B. Of Web Enterprises and took $8000.00 from me on April 12th to purchase the flooring and supplies needed to do the wood flooring job.By the 20th of April I still did not see flooring (wood) nor Alex Sandor Smajda. I got concerned so he brought over the contract for the flooring I had chosen to prove it was on order; his name, address, company's name also, and his Visa was on the contract clearly from the flooring company Quality Rugs of Canada. I called them to verify that he had indeed put in this order for the flooring and they confirmed. Unfortunately a few days later when the wood came in they tried to apply his credit card for the above flooring but it was denied again and again. At this point the manager of Quality Rugs of Canada was in touch with me as when they called Alex Sandor Smajda regarding this issue he said he had spent the funds I gave him ($8000.00) and now could not pick up the wood flooring that he specifically ordered for my place. As I am disabled and on a small pension, this was a catastrophe to me. A police report was made and they called him as what he did was simple stealing. Took my money for a specific product I chose and spent it on his own private life. Since then I have had a bailiff after him plus the police have been in contact with him also and the bailiff got him to sign a contract admitting he owes me these funds and would pay it back to me by $2000.00 installments, the last one would be on July 9th. Needless to say, because of the police, he made one payment only on June 7th. This one took alot of effort on all parts to acquire. He knew that this money to me was like a million to someone else but I was good prey because of my age and my disabilities. This has left me in a mess as I needed these funds to rectify the condo as it is an old one (over 30 years) and all my possessions were in storage and I was sleeping on the floor with blankets and pillows borrowed. Since I had spinal surgery this was a nightmare! He saw and knew all this but still did not return the funds he had taken under false pretenses on April 12th. I want others to be aware of him and his firm and also the company Web Enterprises and Bill B. As they knew all this and did nothing including finishing their part of the job (the marble, baseboards). I have borrowed funds to at least lay down the wood floors as I was paying high storage costs and needed a bed to sleep on and also my clothes, etc. Etc. I now have a signed contract from Alex Sandor Smajda as proof regarding this matter and also numerous individuals as witnesses including the police. He also left two messages on my voicemail that he took my money illegally and would return it right away; this was left well over a month and a half ago. The bailiff will keep trying but I have to persue other measures to get my funds as the $8000.00 has ended up costing me almost double that amount to date.

Company: Ctd Homes
Country: USA
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CTD Homes
ALEX (known as but not real name) Sandor Smajda STOLE MY MONEY AND RAN!

Wood Floors By Classic
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Home Service Store
Installation of Wood Floors - Installation of wood floors

Bay Carpet (K.L. Carpet Corp)
Bay Carpet: Carpet and Wood Flooring and Installation - Carpeting and Flooring

Home Depot
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Huron Hardwood Floors
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Robert Scoviak - Best Flooring
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American Hardwood Floor
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