Disconnect Fee - Direct TV w / NFL Sunday Ticket


I have been a customer of Direct TV for several years paying about $100-$150 per month ($1200 annually) with the NFL package. When I called to cancel due to moving to a new location, Direct TV was extremely quick to let me know there would be a penalty. When I asked why there would be a penalty, as I've always carried their service to the next address... They told me it's because I ordered the "DVR" which extended my contract to "TWO YEARS". What a crock. My next step is to write my Attorney General in the state of Georgia and fill out every single review I come across, in order to inform others of their shady practices.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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Treatment of our military

NFL Sunday Ticket - Direct TV w / NFL Sunday Ticket

DIRECTV Satellite Television
Direct TV Extended my original contract 2 years w/o my agreement or permission

Direct TV
Unauthorized charges and Serveic Contract

Direct TV

Signed One year contract, DTV says we signed for 18 mos. - Term of Service

Liars, making up charges of services never ordered, false cancellation fees

Direct TV
Direct tv bait and switch! Go screwed by accepting free football package

Direct TV Sales
Directv customer service - Direct TV

Direct TV false advertising!