Freedom subscritions
Charged my account without permission. I also was applying for an online loan. Why would anyone pay for that I am deluged with offers not from them


I awoke saturday morning to find my bank account had been charged $8.42 for what I still don't know. I have been calling the company and get a recording that someone will call me back. This has not happened.
The company is Freedom Subscriptions I was applying for an online loan and never authourized any payment. This company has been doing this to a lot of people on here they need to be prosicuted.

Company: Freedom subscritions
Country: USA
Phone: 8778074709
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I don't even know how this company got imy information but they charged my bank account $8.42!

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Uni Guard Took $49.95 and $19.95 respectively from my account

Freedom Subscriptions (877-807-4709)
Freedom Subscriptions 877-807-4709) RIP-OFF COMPANY!

Next Millennium CCAT WEB Apps Online App
I was applying for an online paydayloan, was redirected to another place for special offers. Account was debted $99.00

Uniguard - freedom subscriptions
877-807-4079 I was looking for a short term loan on the net and found numerous offers after filling out a what i thought was an application for a loan what i got in return was not what i expected

Maximum Platinum
I was applying for a cash advance online and this company debited my account without my permission. I needed money, I don't have any to give that was the whole reason for applying for the cash advance

Freedom Subscriptions
Horrifying, time consuming, overdraft fees, multiple attempts at taking $49.95 from my checking account

Uniguard Freedom
Uniguard, never trust this payday company

Freedom Membership Freedom Subscription
Stole $49,95 from my account