8x8 Telephone Service
Ripped me off


This sorry company 8x8 lied to me. There sells department lied to me saying that they telephone features that they just don't have. They do not have warm call transfer and they can't even dial out to 641 area codes. Now how sorry is that. And then what put me over the top was it took them 45 days to refund me my money back. Also, they charged my credit card twice during the 30 day free trial. It was a crazy! And then, when I returned the phone they told me that my tracking number was invalid at first, so I had to get on the computer to look up the tracking number myself to prove them wrong.

Please don't do business with 8x8. There are much better services then them.
Just trying to help americans out

Company: 8x8 Telephone Service
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sunnyvale
Address: 810 west maude ave
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