Paypal Credit Card - GE Money Bank


I need to find a telephone number for the DISPUTE Dept for Paypal Plus Credit Card (GE Money Bank). There is no telephone number to call for transaction disputes. I am the card holder, have lost $700 because the seller said that the item sent back to her was not the same after PP CC contacted her a month after I returned the item.

This is FALSE, and I can prove it with correspondence with the seller through emails for a month after sending the item back. Seller said she would refund, but had a month of excuses (I have in emails as proof of same item returned). Believe it or not, PP Credit Card tells me I lost dispute! No message sent to me, no email, nothing. I see $700 on my account 2 days ago.

There is no use in contacting their customer service reps as they are BRAIN DEAD. You can call 3 times and get 3 different answers! So to WHOM and WHERE can I send this email proof. I cannot and WILL NOT pay this $700 for something that was returned to the seller and accepted with no problem. Obviously, the seller could not pay the refund, and lied.

Please help!

Company: Paypal Credit Card - GE Money Bank
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: El Paso
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