Vonage - vontage telephone service


I contacted vonage 01/30/09 to request service and was charged 26.54. I learned the following day that I needed internet connection to use the service and attempted to get internet service for 3 days. I was informed that internet service was not available in my area and could take up to 7 months to get. I contacted vonage to cancell the service (30 day money back Guaranteed). I requested the cancellation service 02/03/09,5 days after requesting the service, well inside of the 30 day return policy. I was told that I would be charged $39.99 for the cancellation but would get that refunded back to me once they received their equipment. I sent the equipment back next day delivery and they received it at 9:25 am. I have the tracking information, tracking # 1ZR198020144635376 signed for by LESKO. I contacted vonage and informed them that they have their equipment back and provided the delivery information. I was then told that I may not receive my credit for 7 more days. Because I've been given the run-around for several days, lied to and hung up on I fear I may not get my money back. I have returned their equipment, cancelled before the 30 day return policy expires and have had to call every day because every day I'm told something new to hold up my refund. I even had one rep insist that I didn't make the 30 day requirements for the refund. I don't know what else to do so I'm reporting this to your office, FTC and the Better Business Bureau. This company's return address is:

Vonage Returns
c/o BBB International
1100 Towbin Ave.
Willow Tree Dock
Lakewood, NJ 08701

My Return Authorization number is CNLLOSNWA. Vonage Finance Dept gave me this number. You really have to know what department to ask for to get what you want.

I've spoken to the following people for the past 5 days and each call lasted aprooximately 45 min - 1 Hour.

Sheridan (Supervisor)
Lynn (Finance)
Jennifer (Finance)
Kathleen (Finance)
Joseph (Rep)
Allen (Rep)
and several others who either hung up or would not give their names.

It's best to stay calm even though I know you want to jump in their shxx!
When they keep repeating the same thing over and over start to talk when they are talking and don't stop until they stop. BUT never raise your voice or curse because that will give them a reason to hang up. Be persistant to speak to someone on the next level. They will tell you whatever they can think of so they don't have to transfer but eventually they will transfer you but you'll be on the phone for a long time. The longer you are on the phone the more money they are loosing. I've reported vonage to the Better Business Bureau, the NJ Attorney General and FTC. To stop a company like this one people have to speak out.

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
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(TELEPHONE) Victimized by Vonage! No Service! No Kidding!

Do not do business with Vonage - Buyer Beware

VONAGE customer service

Cancelled Vonage May 8 when I got Charter. Vonage still billing Ripoff internet

Ripoff people by continung to charge fees, even after following procedures to cancel and now I am getting a collection notice. Ripoff Internet

Vonage ripoff useless equipment sold internet

Vonage VOIP Telephone Co
Vonage VOIP Telephone ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Awful company

Bad service

Ripped me off