US Loan Assistance Center
Yep... I have been scammed... Never thought it could happen to me!


The author of the other report on USLAC, is right on the money.

I paid USLAC $1,250.00 to work with my lender on a loan modification, based solely on thier (USLAC) claims of being a "Government Backed Agency".

In August I talked with them (have the gentelmans name, but not sure if it's supposed to be posted here) and I was told that "communication" is the key throughout the process... And that the process will not be 'immediate' but should know SOMETHING within 90 days.

Well; communication was next to impossible, (I attempted to contact them on a regular basis with no results... And they NEVER attempted to contact me nor return my calls) and 6 months later, all I know is the business has been shut down: ANNOUNCEMENT -

For the past few months, my calls were answered by a machine explaining that if you want an update on your case, you are to e-mail them... But the return e-mail seems to be an automatic responce, and gives no pertinent information on your case other than "we're still working on it".

Fortuneatly; I have kept EVERY document and/or transaction that they have sent me, and I have sent them, and concider myself "well armed" in a possible Cival Suit on them, should it come to that.

My lender has never heard of USLAC (even 6 months later), and it is obvious that USLAC has never made an attempt to even contact them (let alone represent me through talks of loan modification with them).

I guess I no longer have to beg other Americans not to get involved with USLAC... Since it appears by their web site they have been shut down. BUT IT SURE WOULD BE NICE TO GET MY $1,250.00 BACK.

I came very close to losing my house because of USLAC's lack of representaion, but lucky they (my lender) feel sorry for me being ripped off by USLAC, and have decided to work with me directley on a possible loan modification. It is still not a gaurantee... And I could still lose my home... But with USLAC out of the picture, I feel I stand a better chance.

Be very careful whom you deal with people. If it can happen to me... It can happen to anyone.

Company: US Loan Assistance Center
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: 438 E. Katella, Suite H
Phone: 8889008752
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U.S. Loan assistance center stole thousands of dollars from me and probably thousands of others as well

Ryan Overman took the money and ran

US Loan Assistance Center
False representation, causing people tp lose their homes, no representation

We applied for a loan modification in USLAC May- June. We comply all the required documents, including the advance payments of $2500. Later, we're told that we're denied. We agreed to their $1250

U.S. Loan Assistance Center
Loan modification
Help for these situation!

B Davis
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The Law Office of Brett Margolin, P.C
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Lucan Law Center
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National Modification Experts, Silver Lining Funding
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