National Process Center, Mary Gilmore, Micheal Dewitt & Jeff Stone
Got ripoff for $385.00


I was on line looking for a Grant, found www.national process center, filled out info, got a call from Mary Gilmore, told her what i needed the money for, i sent them all the paper work that i have put to gather, she said once there lawyers recieve the paper work that i have sent in it will take 30 days be for i here any thing, she said i would get a check in the mail. That was a big lie. Well this went on for 3 months, i kept calling her and she kept giving excuses, this went on for 4 months, then i called that frist number again 866-446-1955 and it was discontinued that was the 5th month, then i called the other number 866-502-5556 and Micheal Dewitt picked up, i talked to him about the grant he was feeding me i line of you know what, i got mad, so i called that number again to weeks later and Jeff Stone answer the phone, i talled with for a while, he told me that they were backed up and they had to hire more lawyers, he said i shoud be on the next cd disk, he told me i would get it in the mail with in the next week that all the info for the grants that i needed would be on that disk, he also told me to check my e-mail, he said he would also sent it to me by mail, So i call 2 weeks later told him whats up, he told me that i would be getting it soon. Well i waited for 3 weeks, i called that number again, guess what that number was also discontinued to. So i just got Ripoff. I have a cancled check that i sent them for $385.00, i sent it certified mail with a return receipt, received by S. Fraincis. How can i get my money back.

Company: National Process Center, Mary Gilmore, Micheal Dewitt & Jeff Stone
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Norfolk
Address: 222 W. 21 Street Suite F310
Phone: 8664461955
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