CitiFinancial Auto
Is inconsiderate


In 2006 we purchased a used vehicle in our hometown and at that time I had a pretty good paying job working fulltime. Nissan was our original finance company and just that quick we were sold to Citi. I am working part time now due to the lack of jobs in our area. We have talked to different people from the call center that constantly calls for payments. We applied for a percentage rate reduction and was told that the payments have to be current. We talked to someone else and was told that the payments do not have to be current and twice we have been denied. I refuse to deal with companies, where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. We wil continue to struggle through this economic downfall and keep the automobile, but I refuse to have it repossed and while greedy, inconsiderate sub-human dogs ride around in jets and take vacations to who knows where and look at a struggling society with a evil and demonic grin on their face.

Citi needs to be thorougly investigate and eliminated.

Company: CitiFinancial Auto
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Coppell
Phone: 8004861750
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