Monpay $360.00 to break contract. Why is it that big companies can get away with everything


I have been a good customer of Directv for 5 years, never a problem till we got HD and the new dvr in HD. For over 2 months we lost the signal approx 2 times a week, we could reset with the reset button. On 15th Dec it went off and we could not get it back, so we called, the closest appt was the19th, we got bumped by a machine, so I called and refused to be dumped. They came 19th and we thought everything was okay. On 14th Jan same thing happens again, called for appt, no appt till 21st Jan.

My husband and I think this is going to be an on going problem as they do not seem to have their service perfected and would like to change companies, but they refuse to let us unless we pay $360.00 to break contract for a service they are not giving us.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Greenwood Village
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