Essentials Gold
Unauthorized Credit card charge Not Sure Of Thier City, But The Change Was From Conneticut


I noticed a charge on my credit card that we did not authorize for 189.95 that was vaguely identified as "ESSENTIALSGOLD 888 405 5356 CT". I asked my wife if she had charged something, and when she said she had not, I called the phone number in the charge description.

After I could not give them a membership #... Which of course I did not hav e since I did not join their club, they kept asking for more personal information to "identify" me. When they asked for my credit card number that the charge had been made on I told them no and they asked if I could fax it to them. I asked how was that different than giving it to them over the phone and of course they had no answer.

At this point I told them I would take it up with the credit card company. I disputed the charge with Citibank MC and they gave us a credit.

Of course we will have to fillout all kinds of paperwork to "prove" that we did not authorize the charge... There should be some consequences to the company for doing this kind of thing!!!

I have a sneaking suspicion that the CC company is somehow involved since this happened right when the cards were reissued.

Company: Essentials Gold
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
Phone: 8884055356
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