Essentials Gold
Essentials Gold Ripoff Charged $149.95 by Essentials Gold to my AT&T Universal Card SCAM! Is a fake company for sure!

Internet & Web

I was charged a fee of $149.95 to my AT&T Universal Card by Essentials Gold in CT. I had never of them before this charge. I called the phone number (888-405-5356) listed on the billing statement from AT&T to find out what the fee was for. I asked them what their company does and was told they are a billing service for online entertainment. They couldn't tell me what the charge was for.

They asked me for my user id of the service and of course I had no idea since I had never signed up for anything. Therefor he couldn't tell me any details about the fee. He then transfered me to his supervisor to get more information. She then asked for my card # and mothers maiden name! Like a fool I actually gave it to her without thinking about what I was doing. She then said the card # did not pull up any info in her system about my aparent membership. She then asked if this was a joint account and if I had any other card #'s to give her. Finally a light bulb went off in my head about what they are doing. This is a complete scam and I know I'm not the only idiot to fall for it. I feel like such a fool. A p*d off fool. These people belong in jail!!!

New Richmond, Ohio

Company: Essentials Gold
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: P.O. Box 45165
Phone: 8884055356
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