Expedite Solutions - Kyle Ochs - Chief Executive Officer
Liars! Thieves! Scum that takes pleasure from the pain & suffering they cause!


INSANITY ~ Doing the same thing ~ over and over ~ expecting different results. Remember learning this at Expedite Solutions?

Well, we aren't INSANE! We got OUT! They were just going to continue to rip us off ~ over and over!
And I think they might be INSANE ~ They keep calling us ~ over and over ~ from their fake collection agency ~ PFS (Pretty F*ing Stupid) ~ thinking that we will answer.

A trace was done on the PFS number and it ended at the Raymond Street address! Imagine that!!!

Company: Expedite Solutions - Kyle Ochs - Chief Executive Officer
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
Address: 3617 East Raymond Street
Phone: 8772301442
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Expedite Solutions
They are liars

Kyle Ochs-Expedite Solutions
Expedite solutions how does kyle ochs sleep at night after ripping off so many people?

Driver Solutions - kyle Ochs
DonT Worry CHRIST Will Get You White Trash liar, scammer, misleading

Expedite Solutions, Kyle Ochs
Want to pay Someone to work for them, Here's the Company for you. Liars and thieves to the end.indianapolis, Indiana 46203

Expedite Solutions - Driver Solutions
Getting ripped off by Expedite solutions

Kyle Ochs-Expedite Solutions
Scam/Thieves and any other way you can say steal!

Expedite Solutions
Tax fraud, tax fraud, tax fraud reported 54,000.00 really 19,408.75

Expedite Solutions
Has executed a clear breach of contract

Expedite Solutions
Do Not trust this company

Expedite Solutions - Kyle Ochs
Expedite Solutions Driver Training School A Joke Lying Decietful