Kyle Ochs-Expedite Solutions
Scam/Thieves and any other way you can say steal!


Everything you can read on the other reports here is true, 100%, we are going thru it now. We wish we had this info before we signed with this company. We are filing a complaint with the Indiana Attorney General and have talked with a lawyer. The contract you sign with them, they do not follow and we have decided this is the fight to fight!

Company: Kyle Ochs-Expedite Solutions
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
Address: 3617 E Raymond St
Phone: 3172171288
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Kyle Ochs-Expedite Solutions
Expedite solutions how does kyle ochs sleep at night after ripping off so many people?

Expedite Solutions - Driver Solutions
Getting ripped off by Expedite solutions

Driver Solutions - kyle Ochs
DonT Worry CHRIST Will Get You White Trash liar, scammer, misleading

Expedite Solutions
Has executed a clear breach of contract

Expedite Solutions - Kyle Ochs - Chief Executive Officer
Liars! Thieves! Scum that takes pleasure from the pain & suffering they cause!

Expedite Solutions, Kyle Ochs
Want to pay Someone to work for them, Here's the Company for you. Liars and thieves to the end.indianapolis, Indiana 46203

Expedite Solutions - Kyle Ochs
A bunch of ripoffs, save your money by not going there, or you will be BROKE. Liars, Thieves

Expedite Solutions - Kyle Ochs
Expedite Solutions Driver Training School A Joke Lying Decietful

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