Expedite Solutions - Kyle Ochs
Expedite Solutions Driver Training School A Joke Lying Decietful

Education & Science

I joined on with Expedite Solutions on 01/01/07, on 01/02/07 I had my Dot Physical, and Permits. After what was called a classroom training (which was a joke), I obtained my CDL's.

The problem is you are contracted with this company for 1 year. You are told you will receive 52% of what the load pays, plus all fuel surcharge money. They fail to inform you until after you sign on with them that 52% is before your tuition you owe them, before any items you need from them, and before any other deductions, (that they DO NOT) mention until its too late.

When everything is said and done you only average approx. 10-11% plus have to pay for your own fuel out of that percentage. They are very misleading to everyone that signs on with them. They bank on you quitting so they can sue you for twice the amount, when everything included didn't cost 1/3 of the amount.

If you sign on with them you had better have another income, if not you will starve while working for them. There has not been 1 person I have met yet that has driven for this man and company that has been happy. Also all of his trucks are unsuitable. I had to threaten to take mine and have it inspected just to get him to fix the brakes. I was driving a truck that was broke down more than it was on the road.

You cannot get anywhere with this company. He gives truck driving a bad name. He sets the wrong examples of how team truck driving operates, by taking all of your money. Also he holds the fuel surcharges for months on end (if you even receive them) then tells you its your bonus.

Just everyone BEWARE of this company. It is a scam and a ripoff bigtime. If you join on with them be prepared to always be broke and struggling. My husband and myself ran 6000 miles with this company our very first week and made a whole $350.00 thats it. Most weeks you end up owing them. This is the only company I have ever seen that you have to pay them to work for them. Just beware do not join on with them.

Company: Expedite Solutions - Kyle Ochs
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianopolis
Address: 3617 E. Raymond St
Phone: 8772301442
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Expedite Solutions, Kyle Ochs
Want to pay Someone to work for them, Here's the Company for you. Liars and thieves to the end.indianapolis, Indiana 46203

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