Comcast Cable
Can't be rid of the shysters!


Comment Or Question Message: Re: Acct #xx573
At June's end we called Comcast "customer service" to completely CANCEL this account. The call's ticket #: 365444. The Comcast rep's name: "Troy." At that time Troy told us to expect in the mail a complete REFUND for non-services rendered for the month of JULY 1988 (since we had already posted our payment of $74.88, Check # 515 before cancelling the account) in the PRORATED amount of: $76.28. To date we have not received this refund. Additionally, we made an appointment for pickup of our assigned Comcast converter box/remote control for Tues., 8 July during the four-hour time block of 1-5pm; we wasted that entire date awaiting the arrival at our apartment of a Comcast rep WHO NEVER SHOWED UP. 1) We demand prompt payment of the prorated refund of $76.28 due; 2) We request a kept appointment at our apartment on any date of Comcast's convenience within a ONE-hour time frame for their rep to collect their converter box/remote control with RECEIPT for same. Then we wish to be DONE with this company once and for all time—PERMANENTLY.

Company: Comcast Cable
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Ramon
Address: 12647 Alcosta Blvd
Phone: 9259737126
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Some kind of discount for not being able to use my digital box

Comcast billing rips its customer off

XFINITY Comcast offers POOR customer service and rips its customer off

Comcast TV Cable
On July 5 I's ordering to connect the Cable TV on line with Mr. Mark, I told mark

Comcast strikes again!

Comcast Is Shit!

Brian L. Roberts Was charged over 100$ for installation fees I was never told about. 1st Comcast bill = 448$!

Unacceptable service

"Deal" made with former cable company, promised nothing would change

Poor service and poor customer service