Area Circulation
Area Circulation magazine scam. Will not let me cancel, phone number is invalid. Took my money and important information


I recieved a call from Area Circulation informing me I had been entered into a sweepstakes to recieve one million dollars. As a thank you I would be receiving a number of magazine subscriptions at no cost to me, as well as two extra magazines that I would recieve at a lower rate.

All I had to pay was $74.75 for 12 months and I would get the magazines for several months/years. They confirmed my address and phone number and told me my first payment would be automaticly taken from my card, any further payments I could send in a check, money order, or continue to make with the card.

I was told I would recieve a packet in the mail that would have a list of other magazine titles along with a phone number that I could call should I choose to change or cancel my subscriptions. When I recieved this packet and read through it I found that I had three days to cancel if I chose to do so.

I called the number to cancel and after letting it ring for about five minutes with no answer a recording came on and said: "The NEXTEL customer you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please try again later." I tried to call back several more times with the same results.

On the back of one of the papers I got in the mail was a small section for me to fill out if I chose to cancel. It had a space for me to write the date I recieved the packet (09/10/07) and my signature and the date I was cancelling: (09/10/07) I filled all this out and will be mailing it tomorrow: 09/11/07.

Company: Area Circulation
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Virginia Beach
Address: 5656 Shell Rd
Phone: 8003249452
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Area Circulation
Company that doesn't allow me to cancel subscription

Area Circulation
Ripoff fraudulent billing and decietful

Area Cirulation
Magazine Clearinghouse scam. Use deceptive practices to lure you, then bill you for magazines you never recieve and ruin your credit. Virginia BEACH

America's Chice Reader's Service - International Reader's League - American Reader
Ripoff lying False Promises Harrassing Rude phone call

Area Circulation
Never sent any magazines

Area Circulation Inc
Magazine Company tries to get double payment

Area Circulation
Ripoff, evasive speaking, refusing change

Area Circulation
Ripoff Fraudulent Unethical Misleading Company that should be shut down!

Area Circulation
Harrassed me, ruined my credit and lied to me

Area Circulation
Ripoff nuisance