Scott Lowery Law Office
Misrepresentation and failure to comply with settlement agreement ripoff


In Dec I was involved in a motor vehicle accident where I was hit by a semi. Needless to say I was unable to work and unable to pay any bills until I went back to work a year Oct I finally received my settlement and requested a credit report to located all parties I owed money too, and paid off all debt on credit report.

In Nov I received my first letter from Scott Lowery Law Offices and called their number wanting to know who they were and why I owed them $4,900. The male I talked with was very confrontational telling me I owed this debt but would not tell me his name or why this debt was legit. I told him if he wanted any money from me he first needed to tell me what this debt was what the name of the company I owed was. He hung up.

I immediately called back and requested to talk to someone who knew what this debt was. I was transferred to this individual again and hung up on again. This happened three times after the third time I figured it was a Dec I was again contacted by this company by phone, this individual identified himself as Tim. Tim explained this was a bill from when I purchased a Gateway Computer in 2002.

I explained to Tim that this computer had be a lemon and had been sent back to the company 6 times in the year for the power plug in the back of the computer being faulty, that after the first year they said my warranty was up and they would not fix it for free. I did not feel this was right since I had requested a new computer since I had to send it in the third time and was told they knew it was a problem and would continue to fix the problem in the future if I had anymore problems.

When they told me I would have to pay for it I packed up the computer and mailed it back to them with a letter saying they could keep their trash. Tim told me I would have to make some payment otherwise I would be taken to court. I told him I would be willing to pay what was due on the computer which was $1,200 when I sent it back to them. He told me they could not accept that amount but would be willing to accept $1,800 as a settlement. I told him ok and made a payment of $200.00 over the phone then and there. Tim told me my last payment would be June 1 and I agreed.

In Jan I received a letter from them saying I still owed $4,600. I immediately called and talked to Tim asking why it did not have the price we agreed on. He related that by law they had to put the full price on the letter and after I made my last payment I would receive a letter from them saying I was paid in full. Then July rolled around and the 8th of July they tried to pull another $200. From my checking account causing me to overdraft, but before I could located a number to call them and ask them what was going on I received a phone call at work on 12 July demanding payment for the overdraft check that I did not authorize them to make, and being threaten to be taking to court for the check bouncing.

I tried to explain that June 1 was supposed to have been my last payment of the payment plan and was told there was no payment plan and I had to pay the remaining balance of $2,900. I told her no that I had made arrangements with Tim for a payment settlement of $1,800 and that I had made my last payment last month and was not happy they put my checking account in overdraft. She made some smart comment that they were not happy my check had bounced. I told her I would not make any more payment that I fulfilled my end of the agreement she said that was ok they would just sue me and hung up on me.

I called back and requested to talk to Tim and was transferred to the woman who had just hung up on me. I asked to talk to Tim again and was stonewalled. I was told that Tim was not allowed to take settlements that he was not there. I asked when he would be in as I would like to talk to him. She told me she did not know. I asked if he still worked there and she told me he did and that she had looked at my noted and could not find any settlement noted. I told her I would not make any arrangements until I talked with Tim, she told me that wasnt going to happen and not to call back. Then hung up on me again

Company: Scott Lowery Law Office
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Address: 1422 E. 71st Suite B
Phone: 8009762201
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