Monogram Credit Bank Of Georgia
Lowes / Walmart ripoff Destroyed By Monogram Credit

Business & Finance

I had a credit card by Monogram Credit Bank of Georgia for Lowes Home Inprovment Warehouse. I had neve been late on a payment, I only had a $1000.00 limit, pymt $15.00 per month.

One day I got a letter and said my account was being closed due to a credit report obtained showing my debt ratio. So I wrote them a letter asking why and how come? I recieved some pre form we are sorry letter. So I continued to make payment to them (minmum).

My only child was killed in an accident and I had no insurance to cover the cementary and funeral. I was wiped out to get the majority paid. I decided at that point it was more important to keep a roof over my head and bury my child (I had just recently divorced 8 month before the accident).

So after explanation to them and telling my creditors I would still try to send a pymt each month. I sent them a pymt for months on end, they accepted cashed and went on with the process. (It was 5.00 monthly I sent) then I started to recieve the checks uncashed back to me.

I then got a all these late charges orver the limit. A warrent for a judgment against me. I showed up for court, offered the merchandise to them, the lawyer said it will do you more good than them so keep it. Nothing until 8 months later the garnished my checking account. No warning, no copy of the warrent or nothing. I found out through the bank, I showed up for court (they didn't) It was continued to the following week. I showed up, they didn't. The case never got called in court either time.

I am still waiting to here from the court but they have seized my account still

Company: Monogram Credit Bank Of Georgia
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Roswell
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