Lexingtom Law
RIPOFF Glad I checked here first


All I can say is I, m glad I checked here first, because I almost joined Lexington Law. I had a similar thing happen with a company in California called Tax incorporated, they supposedly can get you out of tax trouble with and Offer in compromise and they are nothing but rip offs. They sound exactly like this company you folks are talking about. But they got me for $3200.00 with my debit card and there was nothing I could do about it. I was desperate and wanted to get rid of my tax troubles and they screwed me bad, they never answered the phone. When you would call to talk to Paul Valentine they would say hold on please and put you to his voicemail and you could leave a message. The few times I did get to talk to him he was rude and offensive, he finally got tired of me because I would write letters and fax them and email them all the time. I finally told him my son lives in California and I, m coming out there to visit him and I think I, ll pay you a visit too. He got nervous then and then started to work on my case only to find out that I was not eligible for an Offer in compromise from the IRS, you have to be almost homeless to be a candadate for that and this tax incorporated knew that. I never got a dime back from them. They claim to have lawyers too they have a bunch of robots that talk exactly the same you would swear you, re talking to the same person each time but its not even the women talk the same they have this sales pitch and well its hard to explain. Beware of this company they, ll rip you off. How can you sue a company that is California when you, re in Michigan

Company: Lexingtom Law
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: P.O. Box 510290
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Tax Inc
TAX Alleviators rip-off! They're irresponsible and don't return calls. They're no help at all

Great Expectations
Ripoff regarding 3 day cancellation policy

Tax Incorporated

Taxpayers Negoitiation Group
Another Ripoff by This COMPANY!

Crime Monotoring Center, LLM Services
Said i have a case against me that i have to be in court the next morning at 11 am

Publisher Business Services
Ripoff rude representative call all day long

Johnson Law Group
No refund

Tax Incorporated (aka) Tax INC
Tax Incorporated AKA Tax INC. Ripoff Buyer beware bad tax advice

Ripoff rude not professional

Continental Warranty
This company repeatedly called me after denying the offer and calling them out on their scandal