Student Loan Services
Consumer Report


I was told by my vocational rehabilitation counselor that I should go and use a computer and google Fafsa which is the site to borrow federal student loans. If she would have told me to go to studentloans. Gov or FAFSA. Gov I would not have paid the 79.99 that I did and if the person on the other end of the phone one of the educational loan specialists had not made a mistake on my application by telling me I qualified for grants I would have been charged the money. Thank God I called my credit card company and they helped me right away and the STudent Financial Aid Services was so afraid that I would report them that they immeditely listened to the taped conversation and gave me my money back. For anyone going back to school please do not make the same mistake i did - go directly to the website that is furnished by the government.

Company: Student Loan Services
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
ZIP: 95827
Address: P.O. Box 278990
Phone: 8665145948, 8007503446
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Federal Sudent Financial Aid This is not the free student financial aid website. The charge upwards of $80 to submit a financial aid application fo already in need students. Please be aware and do not give these scammers money
This site tells at the end of your application you have errors and require you to pay $79 to fix it

Student Financial Aid Services, Inc
This 'service' charges $79.99 to fill out the FREE Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on your behalf - Online Financial Aid Services
Online Financial Aid Services - fafsa.Us Ripoff posing as as Federal Student Aid and than charging $70 for a free service

Student Financial Aid Services, Inc

Kaplan Univeristy
Kaplan and their financal aid offices are a huge ripoff
My Fafsa is a misleading student financial aid application that charges for a free service, holds forms hostage & denies refunds

American Commercial College
American Commercial College Stealing Student Loans!

Student Financial Aid Services / Charing people about $80 to file a free FAFSA report