Federal Sudent Financial Aid This is not the free student financial aid website. The charge upwards of $80 to submit a financial aid application fo already in need students. Please be aware and do not give these scammers money

Education & Science

Fafsa.com is not the website you intended to go to when you clicked their link to apply for student financial aid. This site has you fill out all of your tax information along with personal information. At the very end the incentive is to have someone; anyone (?) look over your work for $79.99 making sure you didn't screw up your application. You must pay to complete your application, even if you aren't a complete idiot and were able to fill everything out all by yourself. Please go to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (yes this is the acronym for FAFSA), www.fafsa. Ed. Gov for the real site.

Company: Fafsa.com
Country: USA
Site: fafsa.com
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This site tells at the end of your application you have errors and require you to pay $79 to fix it

My Fafsa is a misleading student financial aid application that charges for a free service, holds forms hostage & denies refunds

Fafsa.us - Online Financial Aid Services
Online Financial Aid Services - fafsa.Us Ripoff posing as as Federal Student Aid and than charging $70 for a free service

This 'service' charges $79.99 to fill out the FREE Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on your behalf

Student Financial Aid Services, Inc

Student Fin Aid Svcs
False website-fasfa stands for free application for student financial aid-they charge $79.99

Student Financial Aid Services
Fafsa.com / Charing people about $80 to file a free FAFSA report

Student Financial Aid Services, Inc

Student Loan Services
Consumer Report

Obviously is a hoax